Quickmart tailors “Kilimo Shuleni” initiative for Kajiado schools

Quickmart has introduced a “Kilimo Shuleni” initiative schools focusing on enhancing education and community engagement in Kajiado County. The initiative targets to address the challenges faced by communities in the area, particularly those exacerbated by the worst drought in four decades that was experienced this year.

The retailer says “Kilimo Shuleni” is designed to fortify food security in public secondary schools, especially those in the semi-arid Kajiado County with available land.

This initiative empowers schools to cultivate food crops and fruit trees, providing sustainable meals for students while improving academic performance and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Key objectives of the initiative include:

  1. Enhancing food security through school farms, ensuring students receive the nutrition necessary for academic excellence.
  2. Elevating educational standards by providing balanced meals, directly linking improved nutrition with enhanced academic performance.
  3. Promoting inclusivity and gender equality, particularly for girls in pastoral communities, addressing challenges such as FGM and child marriage.
  4. Encouraging community engagement and ownership in sustainable food production, fostering a shared sense of responsibility in education.
  5. Generating positive social impact by augmenting food security and providing stability for the community.

The planting of fruit trees supports climate action and conservation efforts while offering nutritional benefits for the schools.

Additionally, surplus produce can be sold, providing economic incentives for schools and surrounding communities. Students will also gain practical agricultural education, equipping them with valuable farming skills and a strong foundation for further studies in agriculture or related fields.

This initiative aligns with various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including Quality Education, Zero Hunger, Climate Action, Responsible Consumption and Production, Partnerships for the Goals, and Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Quickmart is dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the lives of those in Kajiado County. Together, with a focus on education and sustainable farming, we are committed to creating a prosperous future for these communities.

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